For some students, place value comes second nature, but for others, it can be very challenging. Once you add decimals into the mix, it can become downright confusing. Come check out some of the strategies we use to help students master decimals place value.
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Ways to Teach Classifying Triangles
Triangles are fundamental shapes in your geometry lessons. Understanding their properties lays a strong foundation for further mathematical learning. Students need to understand measurements of side lengths and angles to classify triangles. Come learn some of the ways to teach classifying triangles in your upper elementary classroom.
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Rounding numbers is an important mathematical skill for everyday life. Understanding how to round whole numbers and decimals not only strengthens numeracy skills but empowers students to make informed estimations and calculations. Gone are the days of teachers being able to use the “you won’t have a calculator with your every way you go” as the excuse for learning to round numbers. Instead, students need to understand all the different uses for rounding and how it relates to estimating. Learn how we teach rounding numbers in our upper elementary classroom.
[Read more…] about How to Teach Rounding NumbersHow to Unfold Geometry: Books to Shape Your Unit
Are you using geometry books in your math classes? Why not? Even simple books can help students visualize concepts. Even books that might be considered “baby books” can be used in your upper elementary math. There is more than one way to use a book. Come read how we do it.
[Read more…] about How to Unfold Geometry: Books to Shape Your UnitHow to Demystify Math With These 7 Algebra Activities
When we hear that we have to do algebra activities, the fear is real. Algebra is this haunting reminder of high school. When I was becoming a teacher, I didn’t want my negative experiences with math to influence how I taught it or, more importantly, how my students learned it.
In university, I was put in a “special” math class designed for education students who needed to refine their math skills. Truthfully, it was for us creatives who didn’t take enough math during high school and university. At first, I was scared of the class, but as the class progressed, I realized how lucky I was to be there. Not only did I get over my fear of math, I learned how to break down math concepts in so many different ways that I could teach it to any student. Come learn some of the ways to break down introductory algebra with these algebra activities.
[Read more…] about How to Demystify Math With These 7 Algebra Activities7 Ways to Upgrade Your Fraction Strategies
Fractions can be a struggle for many students, but it really comes down to understanding them visually. Before we ever teach students the numerals or symbols, we try to show them the meaning of fractions visually in a variety of ways so they can truly understand parts, sets, and wholes. If you’ve ever struggled to teach fractions to your students, this is probably the post for you. Come try these fraction strategies that are usually simple enough for all students to master.
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