We love creating collaborative posters. They are so much fun to make, but our students also love to create them. Of course, we have made over one hundred different designs and nobody is going to have the time to use them all. But, there’s more than one way to use a collaborative poster. Come learn some of the different ways you can use them (and spoiler alert–they aren’t more complicated and still don’t require much prep).
[Read more…] about Five Ways to Use a Collaborative PosterHolidays
Remembrance Day Resources for Canadian Classrooms
Over the years we’ve organized so many Remembrance Day assemblies that we’ve lost track of everything we’ve done. That’s why it’s time to put together one post where all our Remembrance Day resources can be found in one place. Learn ways of observing Remembrance Day with some of the activities we have done in our schools over the years.
[Read more…] about Remembrance Day Resources for Canadian ClassroomsWinter Art Projects That Will Warm Your Heart
If you’re an elementary generalist, you probably have to teach your own art class. It can be tricky to find interesting art projects that don’t require a lot of special materials or skills. We have created a lot of different art projects over the years. Some of them have flopped. But, we’ve also come up with some favourites. Come read about some of the ways we help our students create beautiful works of art while teaching those valuable art outcomes through winter art projects.
[Read more…] about Winter Art Projects That Will Warm Your HeartSpring Classroom Activities To Make You Bloom
Spring is a great time in upper elementary classrooms. By this point in the school year, students understand the routines and things tend to start running smoothly. Of course, there is also the spring fever that tends to creep in and make students a little squirrely as the weather changes. Nothing says spring like the smell of damp socks and slushy halls after recess breaks.
We put together some of our favourite spring classroom activities that we use to keep students learning and moving forward. Come see which of these would work in your upper elementary classroom.
[Read more…] about Spring Classroom Activities To Make You BloomFree Winter Classroom Activities Worth Scooping Up
Depending on where you live, winter can be a very long season. In northern Canada, where we teach, winter can start as early as October. It continues up to the end of March. That means we are always on the lookout for winter classroom activities to use in class. More importantly, we use them during those dreaded indoor recesses when it is just too cold to go outside.
[Read more…] about Free Winter Classroom Activities Worth Scooping UpResources to Celebrate Diwali in the Classroom
Diwali is the Festival of Lights. It is also known as Dipawali and it is the most important festival of the year for the Hindi religion. Other religions like Buddists also celebrate Diwali. While it was traditionally celebrated by Hindus, now it is more widely celebrated by people around the world including by Buddists, Jains and Sikhs. Since this celebration is important to many different people around the world, it is very possible you will have students in your classroom who celebrate. To those students, Diwali is as important to them as Christmas is to Christians. Many school districts in Canada have added Diwali to their school calendars. Read on to find resources you can use to celebrate Diwali in the classroom.
[Read more…] about Resources to Celebrate Diwali in the Classroom