Dear Alberta Teacher,
As you know, the science curriculum has changed and all Alberta teachers will use the new outcomes as of September 1, 2024. Our resources have been updated to align with the new curriculum.
NEW! Are you a new ninja? Jump to the grade level: Grade Three, Grade Four, Grade Five, Grade Six.
Our original resources fall into one of these three categories:
- We cannot guarantee your past purchases will work for the new outcomes, but we will do our best to salvage as much as possible. Look for REVISION for resources that have been revised and are in the same grade level. Look for ADJUSTED for resources adjusted for a new grade level.
- New outcomes will have new resources written for them. Look for NEW! to find new resources.
- Resources that no longer align with Alberta and cannot be repurposed in other jurisdictions will be discontinued. You will still have access to them, but we will not be updating them at this time.
What about the old year-long bundles? Those bundles are still available for you to use, but they are no longer available for purchase. Find them in “My Purchases” on TpT or in your email from our BN Shop.
Jump to the grade level: Grade Three, Grade Four, Grade Five, Grade Six.
The resources are written, but we will continue to take feedback from teachers and use it to edit, refine and add to them. Check back after school breaks for updates. We’ll try to post all the updates at once.

Grade Three
This year is complete, but we will continue to add, edit and revise as needed.
NEW! Grade 3 Full Year Bundle
This full-year resource includes everything for Grade 3. It includes a unit plan for each unit and a simple year plan. Find it on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
Matter Unit:
- NEW! Water Cycle Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Water Cycle Lessons on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Water and Ice Safety on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Matter Changes on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Raw & Processed Materials on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Matter Unit Grade 3 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Energy Unit:
- NEW! Contact Forces on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- ADJUSTED Simple Machines Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Wheels, Levers and Inclined Planes on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- ADJUSTED Design a Carnival on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Energy Unit Grade 3 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Living Systems Unit:
- NEW! Food Chains Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Food Chains Lessons on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Plant and Animal Survival on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Living Systems Unit Grade 3 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Earth Systems Unit:
- NEW! Surface Changes on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Alberta’s Dinosaurs on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Earth Systems Unit Grade 3 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Computer Science:
- NEW! Computer Science: Thinking and Inventions on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).

Grade Four
This year is complete, but we will continue to add, edit and revise as needed.
NEW! Grade 4 Full Year Bundle
This full-year resource includes everything for Grade 4. It includes a unit plan for each unit and a simple year plan. Find it on TpT ($USD) or our BN Shop ($CAN).
Matter Unit:
- REVISION Types of Waste on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Waste Reduction on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Methods of Waste Disposal on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Waste Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION The Rs of Waste on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Matter Unit Grade 4 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Space Unit:
- ADJUSTED Astronomy Concepts on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Solar System Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Lunar Calendar on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Sky Observations on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Space Unit Grade 4 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Energy Unit:
- NEW! Non-Contact Forces on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Gravity and Magnetism on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Energy Unit Grade 4 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Living Systems Unit:
- NEW! Living Organisms on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Plant Structures and Functions on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Parts of Plants Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Plant Classification on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Plant Experiments on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Design a Plant Creative Project on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Animal Senses on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Living Systems Unit Grade 4 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Earth Systems Unit:
- NEW! Earth’s Spheres Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Earth’s Spheres Lessons & Activities on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! The Importance of Sun and Water on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Alberta’s Natural Resources on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Conservation Practices on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Earth Systems Unit for Grade 4 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Computer Science:
- NEW! Computer Science: Design Thinking on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).

Grade Five
This year is complete, but we will continue to add, edit and revise as needed.
NEW! Grade 5 Full Year Bundle
This full-year resource includes everything for Grade 5. It includes a unit plan for each unit and a simple year plan. Find it on TpT ($USD) or our BN Shop ($CAN).
Matter Unit:
- REVISION States of Matter on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Particle Model of Matter on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Matter Unit Grade 5 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Space Unit:
- ADJUSTED Phases of the Moon on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- ADJUSTED Lunar & Solar Eclipses on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- ADJUSTED Should We Explore Space? Perspective Activities on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- ADJUSTED Surviving Space STEM Challenges on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Aurora Polaris on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Seasons & Solstices on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Space Unit Grade 5 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Energy Unit:
- ADJUSTED Natural Resources on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Buoyancy Forces on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Forces of Air on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Energy Unit for Grade 5 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Living Systems Unit:
- NEW! Human Systems Lessons & Activities on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Human Systems Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Human Systems Interactive Game on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Plant Transport Systems on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Living Systems Unit Grade 5 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Earth Systems Unit:
- REVISION Weather Patterns and Climate on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Types of Clouds and Cloud Cover on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Types of Precipitation on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Wind Speed and Direction on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Weather Instruments on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- REVISION Weather Forecasting on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Alberta’s Climate on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Earth Systems Unit for Grade 5 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Computer Science:
NEW! Computer Science: Computer Languages on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).

Grade Six
This full-year resource includes everything for Grade 6. It includes a unit plan for each unit and a simple year plan. Find it on TpT ($USD) or our BN Shop ($CAN).
Matter Unit:
- NEW! Properties of Water on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Temperature and Matter on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Matter Unit Grade 6 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Space Unit:
- NEW! Solar System on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Space Technology on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Space Unit for Grade 6 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Energy Unit:
- NEW! Energy Resources on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! External and Internal Forces on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Energy Unit for Grade 6 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Living Systems Unit:
- NEW! Biotic and Abiotic Factors on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Photosynthesis on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Ecosystems on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Roles of Plants on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- ADJUSTED Sacred Plants Research Project on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- ADJUSTED Sacred Plants Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Living Systems Unit Grade 6 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Earth Systems Unit:
- NEW! Dinosaur Extinction on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Weather Technology on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Climate Change on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Extreme Weather Collaborative Poster on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Extreme Weather on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).
- NEW! Earth Systems Unit Grade 6 on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN). Includes a unit plan.
Computer Science:
NEW! Computer Science: Abstractions and Code on TpT ($USD) or BN Shop ($CAN).